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Baskets & Vases


Please note the bouquet pictured represents an overall style, look and feel which may not be replicated in some instances. Care is taken to maintain the style and theme of the arrangement using flowers and vessels of equal or greater value for substitution.

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Baskets & Vases
Fall Farewell

Green Hills Florist

Fall Farewell


"Fall Farewell" designed by Green Hills Flower Shop.Approximately 32"W x 36"H.Substitution Policy:  Photos and visual presentation of products represent overall style, look an..

*Deal of the Day - Sympathy Arrangement

*Deal of the Day - Sympathy Arrangement


Looking for an impressive, large flower arrangement? Let our expert designers choose the freshest, largest seasonal flowers available and create a unique bouquet just for you!..

Beautiful Dreams

Beautiful Dreams


Soothing and respectful. Calm and compassionate. This beautiful collection of white and light colored blossoms will deliver your loving thoughts perfectly.Approx. 12" H x 13" WWe w..

Beautiful Heart

Beautiful Heart


"Beautiful Heart" by Green Hills Florist.  An elegant expression of your deepest condolences.  Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel sculpture - a serene, spiritua..

Beautiful In Blue

Beautiful In Blue


In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue, along with the purity of intention symbolized by white, will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them dur..

Bereavement Arrangement

Green Hills Florist

Bereavement Arrangement


A basket full of comfort, this yellow and white bouquet holds long lasting favorites.Approximately 18"W x 19"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a ..

Bright Light

Green Hills Florist

Bright Light

$160.00 $180.00

"Bright Light" basket arrangement designed by Green Hills FloristAvailable in signature (pictured), pastel, and vibrant tones.Approximately 34"W x 15"HWe wanted to let you know tha..

Classic Sympathy Arrangement

Classic Sympathy Arrangement


This outstanding arrangement of vibrant seasonal flowers offers your condolences in a most memorable way. Available in vibrant (pictured) and pastel tones.Approx. 26"W x 31"HW..

Condolences Arrangement

Green Hills Florist

Condolences Arrangement


"Condolences Arrangement" by Green Hills Flower Shop.Available in White (pictured), pastel, and vibrant tones.Approximately 23"W x 28"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouq..

Dear Memories

Dear Memories


This pink and white arrangement is perfect to display your heartfelt sentiments.Available in signature pink (pictured), pastel, and vibrant tones.Approx. 24"W x 31"HWe wanted to le..

Devotion Arrangement

Devotion Arrangement


"Devotion Arrangement" by Green Hills Florist.Available in classic (pictured), pastel, and vibrant tones.Approximately 30"W x 35"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet p..

Divine Peace

Divine Peace


An elegant display of faith and divine peace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite crystal cross is surrounde..

Showing 1 to 12 of 28 (3 Pages)