Floral bouquet placement service to graveside by
All placement bouquets/arrangement are being filled to the value as FLORIST CHOICE open design at this time. Thank you for your understanding.
- Same day delivery is not available for placements. Flowers and decorations are promptly removed on cleaning days, except on certain holidays. Please refer to the Visitor's Guide & Map.
- Please call 310-547-0841 for details.
- Click on "Floral Placement" for holiday order dates.
- Halloween/Dia De Los Muertos: Place order by Friday, 10/25/2024 for delivery by 10/30/2024. Late orders will be delivered after 11/4/2024 (Flowers/Decorations permitted 10/12/24 ~ 11/6/24).
Please click below (Refine Search) to browse selections.
We unfortunately cannot guarantee deliveries until after Christmas.
Refine Search
"Halloween Spirit Pumpkins" on easel by Green Hills FloristHalloween themed Jack-o-Lantern foil tinsel stacked pumpkin on easel is a perfect piece for the season. Price includ..
"Halloween Wreath with Spiders" foil wreath by Green Hills FloristHalloween themed foil tinsel wreath with spiders on easel is a perfect piece for the season. Price includes p..
Green Hills Florist
Remember your loved ones with flowers...We will place those for you on the days you cannot do it yourself.Seasonal mixed flowers are arranged to fit the ground or mausoleum (wall) ..
Remember your loved ones with flowers...We will place those for you on the days you cannot do it yourself.Artificial flower bunch fits the ground or mausoleum (wall) vase beautiful..
Green Hills Florist
Memorial Spray Selection MB400 designed by Green Hills Flower Shop. Seasonal flower mix arranged in a container to lay. Flower selection will vary depending on availability.&n..
Green Hills Florist
Seasonal color silk flower bouquet for mausoleum by Green Hills Flower Shop.We source our artificial flowers in many different varieties and colors. Each bouquet is made by h..
Silk flower bouquets for niche by Green Hills Flower Shop.We source our artificial flowers in many different varieties and colors. Select the one that is just right for you.Price i..
Silk flower bouquets for niche by Green Hills Flower Shop.We source our artificial flowers in many different varieties and colors. Select the one that is just right for you.Price i..
Green Hills Florist
Remember your loved ones with flowers... We provide regular scheduled services to place flowers for you. Seasonal mixed flowers are arranged to fit the ground or mausoleum (w..
Green Hills Florist
Remember your loved ones with flowers... We provide regular scheduled services to place flowers for you. Seasonal mixed flowers are arranged to fit the ground or mausoleum (w..
Green Hills Florist
Remember your loved ones with flowers... We provide regular scheduled services to place flowers for you. Seasonal mixed flowers are arranged to fit the ground or mausoleum (w..
Green Hills Florist
Patriotic Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veteran's Day Cross by Green Hills Florist Variety of artificial silk flowers on white cross with ribbon trim. Flower selection ..