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Casket Sprays & Lid Inserts


Please note the bouquet pictured represents an overall style, look and feel which may not be replicated in some instances. Care is taken to maintain the style and theme of the arrangement using flowers and vessels of equal or greater value for substitution.

Same Day Delivery for Funeral:  Place order by 9 a.m.
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Casket Sprays & Lid Inserts
Beautiful Memories Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Beautiful Memories Casket Spray


"Beautiful Memories Casket Spray" designed by Green Hills FloristWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and ambiance, there m..

Blue Horizon Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Blue Horizon Casket Spray


"Blue Horizon Casket Spray" designed by Green Hills FloristWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and ambiance, there may be ..

Carnation Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Carnation Casket Spray


Carnation Casket Spray by the Flower Shop at Green Hills.Available in Signature (shown), white, pink, and pastel tones.Approximately 37"W.We wanted to let you know that while the b..

Forever Missing You Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Forever Missing You Casket Spray


"Forever Missing You Casket Spray" designed by Green Hills Flroist.Approximately 40"W.We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style ..

Forever Remembered: A Memorial Guest Book


Forever Remembered: A Memorial Guest Book


This funeral guest book offers friends and family a moving way to honor a loved one's life. With beautiful watercolor designs and toughing quotations throughout, this book offers a..

Gentle Love Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Gentle Love Casket Spray


"Gentle Love" Casket Spray by Green Hills Flower Shop. Roses, Gerberas, Lilies and more in different shades of Pink.Available in pink (shown), white, and yellow tones.We wante..

Lavender Grace Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Lavender Grace Casket Spray


"Lavender Grace Casket Spray" by Green Hills FloristWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and ambiance, there may be slight ..

Life Remembered Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Life Remembered Casket Spray

$435.00 $495.00

"Life Remembered Casket Spray" by Green Hills Florist.Available in Signature (pictured) and pastel tones.We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a refer..

Loving Memories Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Loving Memories Casket Spray


"Loving Memories Casket Spray" by Green Hills FloristAvailable in signature (as pictured), white, and yellow tones.We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves ..

Patriotic Spirit Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Patriotic Spirit Casket Spray


"Patriotic Spirit Casket Spray" by Green Hills FloristApproximately 48"W x 30"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and amb..

Peace Be With You Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Peace Be With You Casket Spray


"Peace Be With You Casket Spray" by Green Hills Florist.This casket spray, in elegant white and soothing greens, will serve as a beautiful tribute to someone who brought love ..

Rose Casket Spray

Green Hills Florist

Rose Casket Spray


"Rose Casket Spray" by Green Hills FloristAvailable in signature (pictured), white, pastel, and vibrant tones.We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a..

Showing 1 to 12 of 15 (2 Pages)