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Standing Sprays


Please note the bouquet pictured represents an overall style, look and feel which may not be replicated in some instances. Care is taken to maintain the style and theme of the arrangement using flowers and vessels of equal or greater value for substitution.

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Standing Sprays
*Deal of the Day - Standing Spray

*Deal of the Day - Standing Spray


Looking for an impressive, large flower arrangement?Let our expert designers choose the freshest, largest seasonal flowers available and create a unique bouquet just for you! Beaut..

Beautiful Blessings Spray

Green Hills Florist

Beautiful Blessings Spray

$199.00 $240.00

Beautiful Blessings Spray by Green Hills Flower Shop Approximately 32"W x 72"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and..

Blossoms of Sympathy Spray

Green Hills Florist

Blossoms of Sympathy Spray


"Blossoms of Sympathy Spray" designed by Green Hills Flower ShopExpressing sincere sympathy with colorful flowers can be a thoughtful and comforting gesture. A vibrant arrangement ..

Blue Horizon Spray

Green Hills Florist

Blue Horizon Spray


"Blue Horizon" Spray designed by Green Hills Florist Roses, Lilies, Irises, Delphiniums in White and BlueApproximately 30"W x 62"H delivered on an easelWe wanted to let you kn..

Celebration of Life Standing Spray

Green Hills Florist

Celebration of Life Standing Spray

$195.00 $225.00

The fresh, colorful blooms of this standing spray remind us that with the celebration of life comes a renewal of spirit and hope. An exquisite expression of sympathy.Approxima..

Dearly Missed Spray

Green Hills Florist

Dearly Missed Spray

$355.00 $440.00

"Dearly Missed Spray" designed by Green Hills Florist Embrace the power of memories with our Dearly Missed Spray, a tender symphony of lilies and roses. Each petal whispers ta..

Devotion Cross Spray

Devotion Cross Spray


"Devotion Cross Spray" by Green Hills Florist Available in classic (shown), pastel, and vibrant tones.Approximately 32"W x 75"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet..

Fond Memories - Pink & Lavender

Green Hills Florist

Fond Memories - Pink & Lavender

$405.00 $450.00

"Fond Memories" Picture Spray by Green Hills Flower Shop.Available in signature (as shown), white, pastel, and vibrant tones.Shown with 16"W x 20"H Photo.Please call for more detai..

Life Remembered Spray

Life Remembered Spray

$290.00 $325.00

Life Remembered Spray by Green Hills Florist Roses, Lilies, Gladioli in colorful shadesAvailable in vibrant (shown) and pastel tonesApproximately 32"W x 80"HWe wanted to let y..

Peace Be With You Spray

Green Hills Florist

Peace Be With You Spray

$235.00 $280.00

This standing spray, in elegant white and soothing greens, will serve as a beautiful tribute to someone who brought love and peace to those around them.Available in white (pic..

Rainbow of Remembrance Spray

Green Hills Florist

Rainbow of Remembrance Spray


"Rainbow of Remembrance Spray" by Green Hills FloristThe glorious pink, yellow and purple blooms of this bright, uplifting spray bring a reverent sense of joy and gratitude to the ..

Sincere Tribute Spray

Green Hills Florist

Sincere Tribute Spray


Sincere Tribute Spray designed by Green Hills Flower Shop.Available in white (pictured), pastel, and vibrant tones.Approximately 35"W x 74"HWe wanted to let you know that while the..

Showing 1 to 12 of 15 (2 Pages)