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We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and ambiance, there may be slight differences in the actual arrangement. Rest assured, we handle each substitution with care, ensuring that your arrangement maintains its beauty and charm. 

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Garden Oasis - Large

Green Hills Florist

Garden Oasis - Large


"Garden Oasis - Large" arrangement by Green Hills FloristStraight out of a mid-century design magazine, this chic planter is the perfect vessel for wondrous white lilies, lavender ..

Relax & Recharge

Green Hills Florist

Relax & Recharge


Relax & Recharge with this lovely gift of tea, treats, and flowers. This collection includes a bouquet of flowers, hydrating hand glove pack, hydrating foot sock pack, facial m..

Roses Are Love: A Dozen Premium Ecuadorian Roses

Green Hills Florist

Roses Are Love: A Dozen Premium Ecuadorian Roses


Rose Are Love: A Dozen Premium Ecuadorian Roses by Green Hills FloristApproximately 22"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the styl..

Vintage Roses

Green Hills Florist

Vintage Roses


"Vintage Roses" designed by Green Hills Florist Approximately 11"W x 10"H We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style an..

A Cup of Flower with a Box of chocolate

Green Hills Florist

A Cup of Flower with a Box of chocolate

$85.00 $97.00

"A Cup of Flower" designed by Green Hills Florist Colorful Spring flowers are arranged to compliment the shades of mug set perfectly. Each mug set includes a coaster and ..

Always On My Mind

Green Hills Florist

Always On My Mind


"Always on My Mind" designed by Green Hills Florist Roses, Hydrangea, Lilies, Gerberas, Hypericum Approximately 12"W x 18"H We wanted to let you know that while the ..

Blooming Love - Classic

Green Hills Florist

Blooming Love - Classic


Blooming Love designed by Green Hills Florist.Approximately 15"W x 16"H.We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and ambiance, ..

Blooming Love - GRAND

Green Hills Florist

Blooming Love - GRAND


Blooming Love designed by Green Hills Florist.30 blooms of Ecuadorian roses are artfully curated with lush greens such as eucalyptus.Approximately 19"W x 18"H.We wanted to let you ..

Emerald Elegance

Green Hills Florist

Emerald Elegance


"Emerald Elegance" designed by Green Hills Florist Bells of Ireland, Roses, Hydrangeas in shades of emerald and white Approximately 20"W x 25"HWe wanted to let you know t..

Garden Veranda

Green Hills Florist

Garden Veranda


"Garden Veranda" designed by Green Hills Florist, Rancho Palos VerdesHydrangea, Roses, Oriental Lilies in light blue, lavender, and pink Approximately 14"W x 17"HWe wanted to ..

Happy Birthday Present With 2 Balloons (9" Air-Filled) - PINK

Green Hills Florist

Happy Birthday Present With 2 Balloons (9" Air-Filled) - PINK


You can send sunshine even if it's a cloudy day. After all, everybody deserves sunny skies on their birthday! This pretty present delivers an abundance of brightness and birthday w..

Lavender Retreat

Green Hills Florist

Lavender Retreat


"Lavender Retreat" by Green Hills FloristA calming blend of lavender and pink with a dash of red for a pop of colorApproximately 14"W x 15"HWe wanted to let you know that while the..

Showing 1 to 12 of 15 (2 Pages)