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Love Blooms

Please note the bouquet pictured represents an overall style, look and feel which may not be replicated in some instances. Care is taken to maintain the style and theme of the arrangement using flowers/plants and vessels of equal or greater value for substitution.

Same Day Delivery: Place order by 9 a.m. (Call us to let us know that you have placed order online for same day delivery.)
Please make minimum purchase of $75 (flowers and gifts can be combined) to qualify for local delivery. 

We unfortunately cannot guarantee deliveries until after Valentine's Day.

Garden Oasis - Large

Green Hills Florist

Garden Oasis - Large


"Garden Oasis - Large" arrangement by Green Hills FloristStraight out of a mid-century design magazine, this chic planter is the perfect vessel for wondrous white lilies, lavender ..

Roses Are Love: A Dozen Premium Ecuadorian Roses

Green Hills Florist

Roses Are Love: A Dozen Premium Ecuadorian Roses


Rose Are Love: A Dozen Premium Ecuadorian Roses by Green Hills FloristApproximately 22"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the styl..

Blooming Love - Classic

Green Hills Florist

Blooming Love - Classic


Blooming Love designed by Green Hills Florist.Approximately 15"W x 16"H.We wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and ambiance, ..

Blooming Love - GRAND

Green Hills Florist

Blooming Love - GRAND


Blooming Love designed by Green Hills Florist.30 blooms of Ecuadorian roses are artfully curated with lush greens such as eucalyptus.Approximately 19"W x 18"H.We wanted to let you ..

Botanical Collection No. 04 - Soy Candle

Botanical Collection No. 04 - Soy Candle


This collection was inspired by vintage botanical illustrations. We wanted to traslate that beauty into complex fragrances. The fragrances were developed by expert perfum..

Budding Romance

Green Hills Florist

Budding Romance


"Budding Romance" designed by Green Hills FloristHydrangea, Roses, Lilies, GerberasApprox. 12"W x 18"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a referenc..

Just Her Style

Green Hills Florist

Just Her Style


"Just Her Style" designed by Green Hills FloristRoses, Hydrangea in soft shades of pink and green Approximately 13"W x 16"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pic..

Maison Black Diamond Scented Candle & Diffuser Gift Set

Maison Black Diamond Scented Candle & Diffuser Gift Set


Layer the Black Diamond fragrance with this beautifully boxed mini jarred soy candle and diffuser set. Candle offers a 15 hour burn time. Diffuser set includes 7 reed sticks and st..

Make Her Blush

Green Hills Florist

Make Her Blush


"Make Her Blush" by Green Hills Florist Hydrangea, Hyacinth, Roses, Gerbera, Oriental Lily Approximately 12"W x 20"HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictu..

Poo-Pourri: Share Love Not Stink Gift Set


Poo-Pourri: Share Love Not Stink Gift Set

$21.00 $25.00

1 each of Lavender Vanilla 2oz, Vanilla Mint 2oz* The original non-toxic before-you-go toilet spray that stops bathroom odors before they ever begin - seriously! no more trying to ..

Sending Love

Green Hills Florist

Sending Love


"Sending Love" vase arrangement designed by Green Hills FloristPremium colorful roses in tall vase for that dramatic presentation!Available in pastel and vibrant tones also.Approxi..

3 Dozen Premium Roses

Green Hills Florist

3 Dozen Premium Roses


3 Dozen Premium Roses designed by Green Hills FloristWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference for the style and ambiance, there may be slight..

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)